Daniel Filan Publishes Blog Post on Impact Measures
13 Feb 2019
CHAI grad student Daniel Filan published a blog post entitled Test Cases for Impact Measures on the AI Alignment Forum.
Stuart Russell Gives Invited Talk to Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
21 Jan 2019
Professor Stuart Russell gave a talk to the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the risks of autonomous weapons. Professor Russell has been involved in bringing awareness to the risks that autonomous weapons have, calling them the New Weapons of Mass Destruction due to their ability to scale with a small number of human operators.
Former CHAI Intern Wins AI Alignment Prize
20 Jan 2019
Alex Turner, a former CHAI intern, was announced as one of the two winners of the AI alignment prize for his paper on Penalizing Impact via Attainable Utility Preservation. The award is given as the prize of a competition for submitted papers that further understanding in the field of AI safety. More information can be found here.
Stuart Russell Receives AAAI Feignenbaum Prize
15 Jan 2019
The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) announced that CHAI PI Stuart Russell is the winner of the 2019 Feigenbaum Prize, and was awarded at the AAAI conference in Honolulu in January “in recognition of (his) high-impact contributions to the field of artificial intelligence through innovation and achievement in probabilistic knowledge representation, reasoning, and learning, including its application to global seismic monitoring for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.” The Feigenbaum Prize is awarded biennially to recognize and encourage outstanding Artificial Intelligence research advances that are made by using experimental methods of computer science.
Anca Dragan Hosts Workshop on Machine Learning for Intelligent Transportation at NeurIPS 2018
Over 150 experts from all areas attended CHAI PI Anca Dragan’s workshop to discuss the challenges involved with machine learning and transportation, such as coordination between both between vehicles and between vehicles and humans, object tracking, and more.
Rosie Campbell Speaks About AI Safety and Neural Networks at San Francisco and East Bay AI Meetups
08 Jan 2019
CHAI Assistant Director Rosie Campbell gave a talk at the San Francisco AI Meetup to explain in basic terms what a neuron is, how they combine to form a network, why convolutional neural networks have had so much attention, and the challenges and opportunities of AI progress. See the slides here and a write-up of an earlier version of the talk here. Rosie also sat down for a chat with tech blogger Mia Dand on “Keeping AI Safe and Beneficial for Humanity”. Their discussion covered topics such as CHAI’s mission and approach, the problem of AI alignment, and why you might or might not believe AI safety research is important.
Congratulations to Our 2017/2018 Intern Cohort!
01 Jan 2019
“Interning at CHAI has been one of those rare experiences that makes you question beliefs you didn’t realize were there to be questioned… I’m coming away with a very different view on what kind of research is valuable and where the field of safety research currently stands” – Matthew Rahtz
Congradulations to our 2017/2018 Intern Cohorts
“Interning at CHAI has been one of those rare experiences that makes you question beliefs you didn’t realize were there to be questioned… I’m coming away with a very different view on what kind of research is valuable and where the field of safety research currently stands” – Matthew Rahtz