NeurIPS 2019 Accepts CHAI Researchers’ Paper “On the Utility of Learning about Humans for Human-AI Coordination”
28 Sep 2019
The paper authored by Micah Carroll, Rohin Shah, Tom Griffiths, Pieter Abbeel, and Anca Dragan, along with two other researchers not affiliated with CHAI, was accepted to NeurIPS 2019. An ArXiv link for the paper will be available shortly.
Siddharth Srivastava Awarded NSF Grant on AI and the Future of Work
13 Sep 2019
Siddharth Srivastava, along with other faculty from Arizona State University, was awarded a grant as a part of the NSF’s Convergence Accelerator program. The project focuses on safe, adaptive AI systems/robots that enable workers to learn how to use them on the fly. The central question behind their research is: How can we train people to use adaptive AI systems, whose behavior and functionality is expected to change from day to day? Their approach uses self-explaining AI to enable on-the-fly training. You can read more about the project here.
Rohin Shah Publishes “Clarifying Some Key Hypotheses in AI Alignment” on the Alignment Forum
27 Aug 2019
CHAI PhD student Rohin Shah, along with Ben Cottier, pubished the blog post “Clarifying Some Key Hypotheses in AI Alignment” on the AI Alignment Forum. The post maps out different key and controversial hypotheses of the AI Alignemnt problem and how they relate to each other.
Siddharth Srivastava Publishes “Why Can’t You Do That, HAL? Explaining Unsolvability of Planning Tasks”
17 Aug 2019
CHAI PI Siddharth Srivastava, along with his co-authors Sarath Sreedharan, Rao Kambhampati, David Smith, published “Why Can’t You Do That, HAL? Explaining Unsolvability of Planning Tasks” in the 2019 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) proceedings. The paper discusses how, as anyone who has talked to a 3-year-old knows, explaining why something can’t be done can be harder than explaining a solution to a problem. The paper then goes into new work in having AI explain unsolvability.
Michael Wellman Gives Talk “Trend-Following Trading Strategies and Financial Market Stability” at ICML 2019
16 Aug 2019
CHAI PI Michael Wellman gave a talk at the ICML’s Workshop on AI and Finance on how one form of algorithmic (AI) trading strategy can affect financial market stability. The video for the talk can be found here.
Mark Nitzberg Publishes WIRED Article Advocating for an FDA for Algorithms
15 Aug 2019
CHAI’s Executive Director Mark Nitzberg, along with Olaf Groth, published an article in WIRED Magazine that advocates for the creation of an “FDA for algorithms.”
Rohin Publishes “Learning Biases and Rewards Simultaneously”
05 Jul 2019
Rohin Shah published a short summary of the CHAI paper “On the Feasibility of Learning, Rather than Assuming, Human Biases for Reward Inference”, along with some discussion of its implications on the Alignment Forum.
CHAI Releases Imitation Learning Library
Steven Wang, Adam Gleave, and Sam Toyer put together an extensible and benchmarked implementation of imitation learning algorithms commonly used at CHAI (Notably GAIL and AIRL) for public use. You can visit the Github here.
CHAI Paper Featured in New Scientist Article
01 Jul 2019
A recent New Scientist article features a paper that Tom Griffiths and Stuart Russell wrote along with David D. Bourgin, Joshua C. Peterson, and Daniel Reichman. The article discusses how the researchers were able to make a machine learning model that took into account human biases, like risk adversion, that are usually hard for computer systems to model.