CHAI Welcomes New Collaborators and Interns
05 May 2021
CHAI welcomes sixteen collaborators and interns in 2021, virtually mentored by CHAI graduate students. This is CHAI’s largest internship cohort.
The following interns will work with CHAI researchers this year: Yawen Duan (University of Hong Kong), Rafael Albert (RWTH Aachen University), Nathan Miller (UC Berkeley), Pavel Czempin (Technical University of Munich), Lauro Langosco di Langosco (ETH Zürich), Matthew Farrugia-Roberts (University of Melbourne), Thomas Woodside (Yale), Yulong Lin (Cambridge), Neel Nanda (Cambridge), Erik Jenner (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Joseph Benton (Cambridge), Carlo Attubato (Oxford), and Michelle Li (MIT).
Joar Skalse (Oxford) and Oliver Richardson (Cornell) join CHAI as Collaborators and will work alongside Adam Gleave. Antoni Lorente (King’s College London, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) will work through the fall with Tom Gilbert.