CHAI Holds Its First Virtual Workshop

01 Jun 2020

CHAI held its first virtual workshop last month.

We had around 150 attendees with people from all over the world to attend discussion sessions, talks, and 1-on-1 meetings. The workshop brought together professors, graduate students, and researchers that share a strong interest in reducing existential risks from advanced AI, along with some newcomers each year. The list of participants was highly curated from recommendations by past participants. This is the fourth CHAI Workshop, but the first held online due to COVID-19. Participation has increased consistently, from 30 participants in 2017, 50 in 2018, 90 in 2019, and 150 in 2020. The workshop serves as a way for like-minded individuals to meet, discuss various AI safety-related topics, and start collaborations with each other. CHAI intends to hold an in-person workshop next year in the summer.

The event itself was private, but the schedule is listed here for posterity.

Center for Human-Compatible AI